Tag: covid-19

Учители за право на живот

Учителите настояват за незабавно преминаване в дистанционна форма на обучение

Ролята на работническия активизъм в успешната борба на Виетнам с ...

От Джо Бъкли Линк към оригинала 2 юли 2020 г. Действия на работниците накараха виетнамското правителство да предприеме мерки срещу Ковид-19. Към момента на писане случаите са 334 и нито един смъртен. Чрез стачки и активни действия по работните места ...

Mass protest in Serbia and an attempt of state-led demobilisation

Most of the foreign media described the protest in Serbia as a rebellion against the reimplementation of the Covid-19 lockdown but this statement clearly communicates something else. Curfew was just an immediate cause for the protests and the last drop ...

Coronavirus and the workplace. What is the price of Human ...

What is entirely new and crucial is that unlike in 2008, the capital and the entrepreneurs have essentially wrapped the government around their finger. Right now, we are in a situation where the most prolific equipment, the facemasks have been ...

Еpidemiology must be a mass movement

This article by Raia Apostolova looks at two historical moments from the development of epidemiology in socialist Bulgaria.

Pockets of autonomy in the time of corona

Autonomous and squated spaces in Berlin and their struggles during gentrification, coronavirus and modern day capitalism.

Kein Shutdown für Rassismus – eine Perspektive aus Deutschland

von Sarah Böger Während die Corona-Pandemie weite Teile des gesellschaftlichen Lebens in Deutschland lahmgelegt hat, scheint auch der öffentliche Diskurs nur noch dieses eine Thema zu kennen. Nur einen Monat nach dem letzten rechtsterroristischen Anschlag in Deutschland am 19.02.2020 in ...

Covid-19 Workers archive: Hungary

Hungary: a summary and critical reflection on covid-19 policies implemented in the country and their effects on people's safety and socio-economic situation.

Covid-19 Workers archive: Croatia

Croatia: a summary and critical reflection on covid-19 policies implemented in the country and their effects on people's safety and socio-economic situation.

Covid-19 Workers archive: Belarus

Belarus: a summary and critical reflection on covid-19 policies implemented in the country and their effects on people's safety and socio-economic situation.